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Are you considering a DHEAS sulphate test in Delhi but not sure about it? Here is all you need to know about the test.
The DHEAS Sulphate test is used to measure the level of Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate in the body. DHEAS is basically a sex hormone that is found in major quantities in males and in minor capacities in females. Excess levels of DHEAS inside the body can lead to problems in the secondary reproductive features of the body.
Generally, DHEAS levels tend to decrease inside males and females with age. If high levels of DHEAS are found, that can be due to ovarian tumors or excessive hair growth. Low levels are associated with aging, diabetes, or erectile dysfunction.
DHEA Sulphate test is done in patients to check any of the following issues that might be occurring around the body:
When problems with the adrenal gland arise, that could be the onset of cancer that can be life-threatening. It is important to get the test done as soon as any symptoms are seen.
As the name suggests, the DHEA Sulphate test measures the level of DHEAS inside the body of the concerned individual. DHEA Sulphate inside males tends to do two important functions:
Inside females, the DHEAS is converted into the female sex hormone estrogen.
The adrenal gland’s function tends to depend on the level of DHEAS present inside the body. The DHEAS is a marker for the functioning of the gland, and its levels dictate whether the gland works. If there is an increased level of DHEAS inside the body, that could be due to adrenal tumor (that could be cancerous or non-cancerous) or even adrenal hyperplasia. In rare cases, increased levels of DHEAS could be an indication of a tumor of the ovaries.
If the body shows low levels of DHEAS, that could be an indication of aging, diabetes, lower sex drive, or even erectile dysfunction in males.
As per experts, there are no major side effects or risks to the DHEA Sulphate test. The patient might feel pain or bruising in the area from where the blood was taken, but that is a minor symptom that fades away quickly. In rare cases, there might be swelling in the region or blood getting collected under the skin. That can be easily avoided if the technicians are well-trained and take extra precautions. There is no need to worry when you are going to give this test.
Flebo.in offers state-of-the-art facilities to patients who are looking to get their lab results quickly and accurately. Their technicians are trained to draw blood without causing any sort of injury to the patient. The technicians working on testing are experienced in the field of gathering the samples correctly and delivering the reports on time. If you want to opt for the best DHEA Sulphate test in Delhi, look no further than Flebo.in. The website contains all the information that you will need for a safe testing experience.
There are no major risks when it comes to the test – it is safe.
It is recommended that you go for the test empty stomach.
With age, DHEAS levels decrease in one’s body. High DHEAS levels may indicate erectile dysfunction, body hair growth, ovarian cancer, and others.
Now the main question that might be running through your mind is how to interpret the level of DHEAS that has been found inside the body. There is a certain recommended level of DHEAS inside the body. Now, any deviation from these recommended levels could be a sign of trouble inside the body.
In case the test result shows increased levels of DHEAS inside the body, that could be indicating these problems:
The lower levels of DHEAS inside the body could be an indication of:
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Since labs are busy with various tests happening around the clock, the best way to save time and get instant reception of results is to choose a home collection.
It is very easy to book a DHEA Sulphate test home collection in Delhi. The DHEA Sulphate test price in Delhi is around Rs. 695 per test at government-approved labs.
Check the sites which are perfectly suited for your needs and are offering reasonable prices. Google “DHEA Sulphate tests near me,” and you will find all the details that you’re looking for.