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This test is done to identify the presence of malarial parasites in the blood. Malaria is an infectious disease that is caused by species of Plasmodium parasite. The disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. The species which cause malaria in humans are P. Vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale, and P. falciparum. This test is recommended when you experience any signs and symptoms of malaria, like shaking chills, fever, headache, and profuse sweating. The parasite can be identified by examining a blood smear slide under the microscope. A positive result indicates the presence of the malarial parasite while a negative result indicates that there is no malarial parasite.
If you live in or have recently travelled to an area where malaria is frequent and you exhibit symptoms of malaria, this test is done. Within 14 days of being bitten by an infected mosquito, the majority of patients will develop symptoms. However, symptoms might occur as soon as seven days later or take up to a year to appear. Malaria symptoms are similar to those of the flu in the early stages of infection, and may include:
Symptoms in the later stages of infection are more severe and may include:
A blood smear slide examined under a microscope helps to measure and identify the malaria parasite by the slide being stained with Giemsa stain. The parasite of malaria, or its antigens or products, are detected in the smear and used to make the diagnosis. Thick smears are used to detect the presence of parasites, while thin smears are used to identify the parasite species.
Having a blood test carries relatively little risk. You may experience little pain or bruising where the needle was inserted, but most symptoms subside soon.
With Flebo.in offering several labs in your neighbourhood multiple slots that are available from 6 am to 9 pm every day. You can be assured of the easy arrival of Home Collection Phlebotomists at the time slot that suits your convenience. With Customer Satisfaction & Assurance being the backbone of Flebo.in’s work ethos, you can even verify the phlebotomist’s certification before their visit and they receive their monetary dues only after your complete feedback.
CTA for booking the Malarial Parasite Species Identification Test in Mumbai
To ensure you receive the best hands working on your health for Malarial Parasite Species Identification Test in Mumbai you must reach out to Flebo.in. in instead of looking at having inefficient results for
‘Malarial Parasite Species Identification Test near me’ with all their labs partnered with NABL auditors.
They are based on the identification of histidine, a protein found in malaria parasites. When the antibody technique is employed, it means finding antibodies against histidine in human serum, however, when whole blood is utilised, it involves finding malaria parasites red blood cells with histidine.
P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. syphilis are considered real human parasites since they use humans almost entirely as a natural intermediate host: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. syphilis.
Malaria parasites can be quantified using blood components like RBCs and WBCs. Count the parasitized RBCs among 500-2,000 RBCs on the thin smear and express the data as percent parasitemia to measure malaria parasites against RBCs.
Interpreting Malarial Parasite Species Identification Test results
Positive results in the peripheral blood examination suggest the presence of malarial parasites while negative results mean that no malarial parasites were found in the peripheral blood.
Some of Flebo.in's customers reviews
To book a Malarial Parasite Species Identification Test in Mumbai, either through word of mouth or by researching online, find different hospitals, clinics, and centers that perform this test. The Malarial Parasite Species Identification Test price may vary from organization to organization and this difference is not extremely evident. Next, you have to find a hospital or lab and pick a time that suits your schedule and either call the clinic or book an appointment online.