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The syphilis panel test in Delhi is done to check if the patient has contracted the sexually transmitted disease, syphilis. The test is prescribed by doctors if the patient shows symptoms of having contracted the bacterial infection. This early detection aids in treating the disease that can otherwise cause death. Other names of this test are rapid plasma reagin, agglutination assay, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test, and darkfield microscopy.
Book nowThe syphilis panel test is done to check if the patient has contracted this bacterial infection. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. Pregnant women can transmit the disease to the fetus within them if they have contracted the disease.
Doctors order a syphilis panel test when patients show the following symptoms:
The symptoms appear 2 to 3 weeks into the infection. People who do not show these symptoms and are actively having intercourse with multiple partners should routinely opt for the syphilis panel test. The initial symptoms of the infection are painless but it can manifest into something more damaging like heart failure or damaging other vital organs.
The syphilis panel test looks for the presence of the bacteria that causes the disease. This is confirmed by looking for the antibodies that are produced in the body to counter the infection caused by the bacteria T. pallidum. Tests checking for the presence of this bacteria fall under the category known as Treponemal antibody tests. While the nontreponemal antibody tests are also used, they cannot pinpoint if the antibodies produced are in relation to having contracted syphilis.
Pregnant women who have contracted the disease can pass on this infection to the fetus. This can be possible when the woman lives in areas considered to be at high risk for syphilis contraction, had unprotected intercourse with a stranger. With the tests used for screening, the mother can be treated to ensure the baby recovers.
There are no known risks or side effects associated with the syphilis panel test. The test is conducted by collecting blood samples from the patient. The act of venipuncture might cause some pain and dizziness. But, these are not long-term damages. An experienced phlebotomist can collect samples without causing much discomfort to the patient.
The syphilis test is conducted in two steps. The screening tests and the confirming tests.
Screening tests or nontreponemal antibody tests are done to check the progress of the infection. The tests include:
Confirmation tests are often done to check that the antibodies present are caused by the syphilis bacteria. The tests include:
Flebo.in offers the best in terms of home collection and result delivery. They have multiple labs in Mumbai and have daily availability of slots from 6 am to 9 pm. Booking a syphilis panel test in Mumbai with Flebo.in is easy and budget-friendly. Patients can also visit their past test results with ease thanks to the saving of test results in the patient’s account. This hassle-free and no documentation result viewing makes Flebo.in much sought after diagnostic center in Mumbai.
Choose Flebo.in for hassle-free and easy home collection service for tests. They have well-trained phlebotomists and empaneled labs across the city. Their services are available regularly and are cost-effective. Visit their home page to know more.
The tests for syphilis does not require any special preparation on part of the patient. if the infection is in the early stage, detection via blood screening and tests will be enough.
Doctors resort to penicillin for treating syphilis no matter the stage of the disease.
In neurosyphilis, the disease affects the nervous system causing paralysis or Dementia.
The syphilis panel test will either yield a positive result or a negative result. When the nontreponemal antibody tests yield a positive result, it needs to be confirmed with the treponemal antibody tests so treatment can be started.
It should be noted that the formation of antibodies takes time, at least 3 weeks from the onset of the infection. A negative result from a screening test should be repeated if the symptoms progress to the appearance of wart-like growths near the mouth, genitals, anus, or armpits.
The syphilis infection is caused by bacteria and antibiotics are used to treat the patient when the disease is detected early. When detected at an advanced stage, the antibiotics treatment can work but the damages caused before treatment are not undone.
Some of Flebo.in's customers reviews
The home collection of samples for the syphilis panel test in Mumbai is easily available. Diagnostic centers offer reliable and secure home collection options and some even offer free collection. Searching for a “syphilis panel test near me”, check the results for details about the test and the pricing for the same can help in determining which diagnostic center to opt for.
The test is conducted via the collection of blood from the veins. This is done when the infection is in the initial stages. For advanced cases, the collection of the cerebrospinal fluid is essential to understand the extent of the damage. Keeping these methods in mind, the syphilis test near your diagnostic center should be equipped with the machinery to conduct a CSF and also have an experienced technician who can conduct the procedure in the proper manner.