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Looking to book Western Blot for HIV test in Mumbai? Read further to know more about the test.
To confirm a positive HIV diagnosis, a Western blot test is commonly utilized. A little sample of blood is obtained during the test, which is used to detect HIV antibodies rather than the HIV virus itself. The Western blot test separates blood proteins and detects HIV antibodies, which are proteins that indicate HIV infection. The combined tests are 99.9% accurate, and the Western blot is utilized to confirm a positive ELISA. The ELISA test also called the EIA for enzyme immunoassay, is used to find the HIV antibody. It checks for certain proteins that the body makes in response to the virus. Protein immunoblots are another name for Western blots tests. Specific proteins in a sample are detected using these tests. A Western blot is a technique that involves sorting proteins on a gel by length. The grid is then probed with antibodies that react to the individual proteins being investigated.
When Western blots are employed for HIV testing, however, the process is reversed. Unknown proteins are normally sought for with recognized antibodies in a Western blot assay. Scientists use prepared samples of HIV proteins in an HIV Western blot test to examine if there are any antibodies in a person’s blood that attach to them.
After an ELISA antibody test returns positive or negative, the Western blot test is used to confirm or refute an HIV or Lyme disease diagnosis. A second test is required to confirm the diagnosis because the ELISA test can sometimes give false positives. Antibodies to B. burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, may be detected by a Western blot test if you have the disease. If you have HIV, a Western blot test can reveal proteins from the virus’s envelope or core, as well as enzymes produced by the virus.
A healthcare expert will go over the procedure with you before the test. A consent form will almost certainly be required of the person being tested.
If the person has ever had trouble giving blood, bruises easily has a bleeding disorder such as haemophilia or is taking anticoagulant medications, the healthcare provider should be informed (blood thinners)
For the Western Blot for HIV Test, there are very few medical dangers to consider. It’s critical to be aware of the window of exposure when utilising the ELISA test for HIV screening. Even if the virus is present, if the ELISA test is performed too soon after exposure, the body will not have developed enough antibodies to produce a positive result.
Flebo.in offers several labs in your neighbourhood with slots available from 6 am to 9 pm every day. Receive assured arrival of Home Collection Phlebotomists at the time slot that suits your convenience. With Customer Satisfaction & Assurance being the backbone of Flebo.in’s work ethos, you can check your phlebotomist’s certification before their visit and they receive their monetary dues only after your feedback.
The test confirms the presence of HIV antibodies, not the virus itself.
Yes, it is.
It takes around 2-4 hours.
Interpreting the Western Blot for HIV Test results
The HIV 1 2 test can yield only two results, either positive or negative. If the result is negative, it means the person is not suffering from HIV but that does not mean that they cannot be tested positive in the future. The time for the antibodies to form can differ. Ideally, a person starts showing symptoms and starts producing antibodies when they have been infected for 2 months.
If the test indicates that HIV infection has been confirmed, the immune system may be damaged, reducing the body’s ability to fight disease and illness. If, on the other hand, the test results are negative, other reasons for the symptoms must be investigated.
If the test result is inconclusive, it could be attributable to factors other than HIV exposure. If this happens, users are usually recommended to retake the test until they get a clear response.
Some of Flebo.in's customers reviews
To book a Western Blot for HIV Test in Mumbai, you can skim through either online reviews or by researching and finding different hospitals, clinics, and centers that perform this test. The Western Blot for HIV Test price may vary from lab to lab and this difference is not extremely evident. Next, you have to find a hospital or lab and pick a time that suits your schedule and either call the clinic or book an appointment online.