Pus Cells In Urine Normal Range

Pus Cells In Urine Normal Range

If you have popped a pimple, you will see an off-whitish or yellowish fluid oozing from the puncture site. That fluid is known as pus cells. By definition, pus cells or pyocyte are a collection of cell debris, infection-causing germs, tissue fluid, and white blood cells that are dead that attack the germs, and the whole dead germs and immunizing agents are trapped in that fluid. The formation of pus cells indicates that the body has suffered from an infection and that the immune system is actively countering it.

Since pus cells are formed when an infection occurs, in case of internal infections, these pus cells would be found in urine. The presence of pus cells in urine is not a very alarming factor as long as it falls in the pus cells in urine normal range.

What are pus cells?

In simple terms, pus cells are the formation of a fluid that contains evidence of an infection and the cells that have actively fought the said infection. That said, infection is not always the serious kind. Every day, the body battle with various disease-causing micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Any presence of any pathogen triggers the immune system to release white blood cells to the site of the infection. Depending on the infection’s site, the color of the pus varies from white to yellow to green or even brown. While many bacteria trigger the immune system, Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes are the common cause of the formation of pus cells.

Generally, some amount of pus cells in urine is normal as the main components of pus are the dead tissues and dead white blood cells. This condition, where pus cells are present in the urine, is known as pyuria.

Pyuria can be non-sterile and sterile. The sterile pyuria does not contain any bacteria or other disease-causing pathogens, while the non-sterile has pathogens present along with white blood cells.

Is the pus cells in urine normal?

As mentioned earlier, the pus cell in urine can be considered normal, but it depends on the range and the components found in the urine via a urine analysis test. Even in healthy individuals, traces of pus cells can be found in the urine when the urine is tested. But, the presence of higher pus cells in urine normal range should not be taken lightly. This is because the cause of infection, if present, is not always due to bacteria.

Normal range of pus cells in urine

When a urine sample is requested, you can choose between specific tests or a complete urine analysis. In the latter, the pathologist might find traces of pus cells in the urine. The pus cells in urine normal range are between 5 and 7 cells / HPF. This number can vary between men and women for various other hormonal reasons. Any number higher than this can lead to further testing and analysis for either sexually transmitted diseases or other pathogen-related conditions.

In case of serious infections, the color and texture of the urine change and look like a pyuric discharge. This can indicate urinary tract infections in males and females.

What causes pus cells to be present in urine?

There can be various reasons that can lead to the presence of pus cells in urine. The primary cause is infectious diseases that lead to the formation of pus-like urine. But, this is usually in the later stages when the infection has progressed due to lack of proper treatment. Medications and certain genetic conditions also lead to the presence of more than normal pus cells in urine.

These conditions and/or infections can be:

  • Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects the essential organs of the renal system like the urinary bladder, urethra, ureter, kidneys
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like gonorrhea
  • Sepsis along with bacteremia
  • Kidney diseases like renal failure
  • Urinary tract stones
  • Pneumonia
  • Prostatitis
  • Parasite infection
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Tumour in the urinary tract

The medications that can lead to the presence of pus cells in urine are:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin and ibuprofen
  • Penicillin antibiotics
  • Diuretics like indapamide, chlorthalidone, or hydrochlorothiazide
  • Proton pump inhibitors like lansoprazole, pantoprazole, or omeprazole

When to get pus cells in a urine test done?

The presence of pus cells in urine can indicate serious issues like sepsis or milder issues like the over-consumption of diuretics or antibiotics. . As mentioned earlier, pyuria can be sterile or non-sterile. Depending on this, treatment is prescribed. In order to know when you should get pus cells in urine normal range tests done, you have to understand the symptoms.

Commonly recorded symptoms of pyuria are:

  • Fever
  • Stomach pain
  • Abnormal discharge
  • Breathlessness
  • Nausea or vomiting

In the case of pus cells in urine present due to infections like STDs, the symptoms seen are:

  • Frequently urinating or having the urge to urinate
  • Feeling a burning sensation when urinating
  • Pelvic pain
  • Urine has a foul smell with a cloudy color
  • Fever


Pus cells are indications of infections or conditions that would cause the body to have internal abscesses. Having pus cells in urine normal range is always the target to stay healthy and ensure your immune system is functioning properly. Treatments consist of courses of antibiotics if there is a urinary tract infection. Sometimes, stopping these medications can reduce the number of pus cells detected in the urine.

The pus cells in urine normal range can depend on the laboratory you are consulting for your tests. But, before you take any medication, you must consult your doctor with the test results and also opt for specific tests that the doctor would prescribe based on other signs and symptoms. This is because pregnancy can also cause an increased amount of pus cells in the urine. During pregnancy, hormonal changes often lead to bacterial growth in the urinary tract leading to urinary tract infections and subsequent pyuria formation. Hence, you must always consult a doctor before taking any medical steps for ensuring normal pus cells in urine.


What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a condition where inflammation occurs in the prostate gland. This is usually signaled as acute pain felt when urinating. Usually, prostatitis is caused by bacterial infection, but there are cases where no signs of infections are seen with the inflammation and subsequent pyuria.

Can pus cells be seen in urine post-surgery?

After surgery, there are chances that you will see pus-like urine or even your regular urine analysis showing traces of pus cells in urine. This is because of possible infection at the site of the surgery. This is known as surgical site infection (SSI). the factors that increase the risk of SSI are:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Weakened immune system

Is it possible to reduce the presence of pus cells in urine?

It is possible to reduce pus cells in urine. You can drink loads of water to flush out any toxins and pathogens, and consuming cranberry juice or green tea can help reduce pyuria. You can also reduce painkiller consumption. All these can lead to pus cells in urine normal range.